Sunday, November 17, 2013

How to Cut Hardened Steel

How to Cut Hardened Steel

The bladed cutting tools used to cut mild steel do not have the ability to cut through hardened steel. The problem results from the hardened steels having a harder structure than the cutting blade. This results in the teeth stripping from the blade and its losing its ability to cut. One cutting method uses a hand tool equipped with a nonmetallic blade to overcome the issue of blade dulling. This reduces the amount of time and material needed to produce the cut.



    Clear all flammable debris from the work area. Set a fire extinguisher near a vise. Secure a piece of hardened steel in the jaws of the vise. Ensure that the cut area of the steel sits beyond the end of the vise jaws.


    Attach an abrasive cutting disk to an angle grinder. Don a pair of safety glasses, a face shield and a pair of sturdy leather gloves.


    Set the edge of the abrasive cutting disk 1/8 inch from the surface of the hardened steel. Press the trigger of the angle grinder. Lower the spinning grinding disk to the surface of the hardened steel. Push the grinder along the hardened steel without placing excessive downward pressure on the grinding disk. Move the grinder back and forth along the steel until you complete the cut.


    Allow the cut area to cool for 10 minutes. Remove the cut hardened steel from the vise.

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