Tuesday, December 3, 2013

How to Repair Car Plastic

Many parts of modern cars, such as bumpers and cladding, are made out of plastic rather than sheet metal. This construction requires you to take special precautions if you plan to repair the cars plastic sections when they sustain damage. It also means you must ascertain the type of damage you need to repair before starting the job; scratched plastic and cracked plastic require two separate types of fixes.



    Check whether the plastic is cracked through or simply scratched. If the bumper is cracked through, the sand off the rough edges and use plastic bonding agent to put the plastic into its original form. Apply the bonding agent to the crack, and hold the cracked pieces together until the bond has set.


    Sand off any rough spots, globs of adhesive and scratches until you have rendered the plastic smooth to the touch and eliminated any rough patches.


    Touch up the paint on the smoothed section of the plastic using spray paint in the original color of the rest of the plastic area. Tape off any surrounding areas you dont want painted, and lay down cardboard on the ground to catch any paint. Paint in slow, even lines, and avoid drips.

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